2024 Stewardship Pledge
The most well known verse of the Bible is probably John 3:16:
“For God so loved the world that he gave his only son, that whoever believes in him should
These words of Jesus reveal God’s generous heart. The astounding reality that the Lord has given to you out of his bounteous love. He has not only blessed you with daily bread, shelter, and other material goods, but he has also given you life — eternal life — through the Son. In other words, the Father’s generosity to you is seen in the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus. John 3:16 is the source and foundation for your call to generosity. The Lord is generous and has blessed you, therefore you should be generous and bless; thereby reflecting the heart of God.
Thank you for giving to Covenant. Through your generosity, Covenant is able to have uplifting worship, disciple children and youth, maintain a beautiful campus, and bless our city and the nations through supporting local mission and missionaries.